Kingdom Combat is a powerful and comprehensive work designed to challenge and prepare the church to face her great battle between heaven and hell, and to call spiritual leaders to teach on this important subject. This book is both a theology on good and evil, and a practical guide instructing the believer on how to victoriously advance God’s kingdom. No army can be effective if its soldiers do not understand the war they are in and the enemy they face. Kingdom Combat comes with a small group study guide and will inspire whoever reads it to “fight the good fight of faith” for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Combat

Price: $16.95
Excerpt: Kingdom Combat
This may be hard for some to believe but the Bible, from beginning to end, is a book about war and battle. The Christian worldview is based on the belief that a powerful force outside of our physical realm influences what we do. This world has both a good and an evil side. These sides often come into conflict, vying for the same territory. Contrary to popular perception, Christianity is not a nice little religion for the faint-hearted but a movement engaged in war with a brutal enemy. Often, we have a stereotypical view of the Bible as a quaint collection of wise sayings and feel-good stories. We are prone to routinely depict Jesus as a meek, mild-mannered character who wouldn’t harm a fly, but the truth is that He was a tough, confrontational Man, who faced the forces of hell with righteous anger, boldness, and power. Hardly a book in the Bible does not touch on the subject of war in some way. In the same way the Christian life is stereotyped as nonviolent, we also do this with God. We love to associate Him with love, peace, harmony, meekness, and gentleness, while depicting Him as a God full of grace and mercy, not war and fighting. However, if the truth were known, the Lord has chosen us for conflict because He is, in some respects, a God of war when it comes to evil on this planet. We should not only refer to Him as our Heavenly Father but also our Commander-in-Chief. Part of our service to the Lord is to prepare for battle, so that we can engage the enemy successfully. Our God certainly is full of love, mercy, light, and hope but He is also a God of conflict and battle. Many teachings imply that if we leave the devil alone, he won’t bother us. This is simply not true. We ignore him at our own peril. God wants to train us for war; He has His boot camp.