Now in its second edition with expanded charts and discussions of the major visions, this in-depth and practical study on the Book of Daniel will challenge you to live big for God in your world. In this work, Les blends sound scholarship with very relevant principles for godly living. If you have been afraid to read Daniel because of all the confusing teachings on prophecy, this work is a must read for you.
Decoding Daniel, Second Edition

Price: $16.95
Excerpt: Decoding Daniel, Second Edition
Unfortunately, like the Book of Revelation, many find Daniel confusing and intimidating. They view the book as a series of mysterious codes and dreams that are inscrutable and difficult to understand. Often, it is easier to avoid this wonderful prophetical book than to wade through the myriad of difficult details and prophetical interpretations which can leave us exasperated and frustrated. So, many believers, including preachers and teachers, have given up trying to understand the Book of Daniel, which is a tragedy in itself. When studied carefully, Daniel is a compelling and exciting book capable of having a major impact on daily living. Much of the confusion can be dealt with when we look at teachings in context and stay flexible in our interpretations and applications. Prophetical books were never intended to be so complex and abstract that God’s people would be afraid to approach them. God is not the author of confusion and indiscernible mysteries. Confusion results because we have made interpreting this book too complicated and rigid with schemes, charts and approaches that force the text to say things that it never intended to say. It is time to decode the Book of Daniel and make it come alive. It is time to take these wonderful mysteries of Daniel and make them clear, relevant, and impacting for believers of all generations.